...and it's 3:48 pm on a Wednesday afternoon. Welcome to my days off. Ok I also sometimes do this on my days "on". Don't judge me, I work nights. I am still in pajamas, sort of. I decided walking around in underwear (normal pj attire)would be kinda weird being that I live on a busy street across from a UHaul/mechanic shop, kitty corner to a coffee house, and directly next to some goth neighbors who btw LOVE Halloween! This week is like Christmas for them. Their modow: PUMPKINS AND SKELETONS YEAR 'ROUND! This would all be fine except that I have almost an entire wall of windows in my living room...and in my kitchen. All that being said, I put some pants on to go with my rockin, pale green (it used to be regular green) tank I always wear to bed. It has a built in bra, key to a decent night's sleep. Former and current roommates, you know which one I refer to. Don't be jealous.
The days I'm about to describe to you sound like those of a "Stay-at-Home Mom"...well, I definitely don't have kids, or a husband, or even a boyfriend for that matter-tell your cute friends ;) Anyway, I realized this morning (after I woke up at 11am) that although I am not looking the most feminin today, ya know hair pulled back, glasses, lack of teeth brushed that sorta thing, I have been seriously in touch with my female (generally female, for PC's sake) skills this past week. Without all the hastle of a family to take care of (and clean up after) :), it's been kinda fun. In the past 5 hours, with chick flicks on in the background and a standard candle lit, I cleaned up after last night's dinner party (pumpkin themed of course, very fall festive), worked on my new knitting skill: the cable knit scarf-ah thank you, made a homemade bridal shower card, wrapped the present in a pearly, pink, hearty (meaning lots of hearts on it) bag with matching tissue paper, cut up and steamed some veggies and prepared a bag of food I'll be takin over to dinner/yoga night with Miss Green. I could do this for a fulltime job. No prob.

Since I'm not up for marriage and children quite yet, I'm pretty sure the perfect job for me would be to have no job at all. Every day would be like a "day off." I seem to keep busy with many detail-oriented tasks. Like yesterday, woke up at 10 (gotta get that 9 hours in) prepared for dinner, went to the bank, post office, eye place to pick up my contacts (they weren't ready, so I'll be heading over there again after this blog entry!), worked out at the gym, hit the store to pick up some seasonal lagers and pumpkin ice creme (both were a hit ;))and even had time to flip through the new J.CREW catalog that arrived in my mailbox earlier that morning! Days like yesterday and today make me like life. Some people hate "running errands" and doing tasks, well I like it...especially better than bartending! So maybe I will quit my day job (or night job in this case).
I think I'll go get dressed now.
Happy Hump Day!
The days I'm about to describe to you sound like those of a "Stay-at-Home Mom"...well, I definitely don't have kids, or a husband, or even a boyfriend for that matter-tell your cute friends ;) Anyway, I realized this morning (after I woke up at 11am) that although I am not looking the most feminin today, ya know hair pulled back, glasses, lack of teeth brushed that sorta thing, I have been seriously in touch with my female (generally female, for PC's sake) skills this past week. Without all the hastle of a family to take care of (and clean up after) :), it's been kinda fun. In the past 5 hours, with chick flicks on in the background and a standard candle lit, I cleaned up after last night's dinner party (pumpkin themed of course, very fall festive), worked on my new knitting skill: the cable knit scarf-ah thank you, made a homemade bridal shower card, wrapped the present in a pearly, pink, hearty (meaning lots of hearts on it) bag with matching tissue paper, cut up and steamed some veggies and prepared a bag of food I'll be takin over to dinner/yoga night with Miss Green. I could do this for a fulltime job. No prob.

Since I'm not up for marriage and children quite yet, I'm pretty sure the perfect job for me would be to have no job at all. Every day would be like a "day off." I seem to keep busy with many detail-oriented tasks. Like yesterday, woke up at 10 (gotta get that 9 hours in) prepared for dinner, went to the bank, post office, eye place to pick up my contacts (they weren't ready, so I'll be heading over there again after this blog entry!), worked out at the gym, hit the store to pick up some seasonal lagers and pumpkin ice creme (both were a hit ;))and even had time to flip through the new J.CREW catalog that arrived in my mailbox earlier that morning! Days like yesterday and today make me like life. Some people hate "running errands" and doing tasks, well I like it...especially better than bartending! So maybe I will quit my day job (or night job in this case).
I think I'll go get dressed now.
Happy Hump Day!
1)I was emphasizing that not working is what I'm lookin for, if a man makes that happen, FAB!
2)Even if it is "man diego" that doesn't mean it's not "retarded man diego" ya catch my drift?