I want to love people (somehow)in all circumstances. I've been thinking lately that's the whole reason we're here. God gave us a place to figure out how to do that, to figure out where the balance is in all scenarios concerning relationships...
Where's the balance between loving people and setting boundaries for yourself? Being tactful and being truthful? Thinking of your needs and being selfish? Behavior that's healthy and unhealthy? Friendly and overbearing? Extrovert and introvert? Needing people and using people? Making things happen and waiting for things to happen? Flirting and well, too much flirting? Admiration and Jealousy? Being strategic (strategerie if you will, if a President says it, it must be a word) and conniving? Childlike innocence and adulthood?
I don't want to focus on these things and being "balanced" so much so that I'm inhibited all the time, but I do think being aware is essential...purposeful even!
Something to chew on...on this foggy Saturday mornin ;)
Where's the balance between loving people and setting boundaries for yourself? Being tactful and being truthful? Thinking of your needs and being selfish? Behavior that's healthy and unhealthy? Friendly and overbearing? Extrovert and introvert? Needing people and using people? Making things happen and waiting for things to happen? Flirting and well, too much flirting? Admiration and Jealousy? Being strategic (strategerie if you will, if a President says it, it must be a word) and conniving? Childlike innocence and adulthood?
I don't want to focus on these things and being "balanced" so much so that I'm inhibited all the time, but I do think being aware is essential...purposeful even!
Something to chew on...on this foggy Saturday mornin ;)
but to be agile, responsive and 'best' in a fight, this instability is essential.
A jet fighter needs way to much maintence and support. In this life I have come to realize that balance is the key and that there is a little voice inside of you that tells you, " you are going to far" I have way to many 20 something clients tell me this as they are sitting in jail, contemplate yet another failure etc.
Have faith in yourself and be yourself, listen to your inner being. It’s not about the toys you have, your looks or the money you have etc. Those walruses at the Club in San Diego most all got there thru an inner discipline but they never listened to their inner soul. That’s why you are serving them their 5th drink as they ogle you and their wives are chasing the cabana boys. At your age you can still find your soul and listen to it. From what you write its speaking to you. Listen to it as it will tell you when your going to far and answer your questions.
I hope I am not rambling on too much, but you seem very deep and decent and as I have read your posts from time to time I have wanted to reach out. Its allot more fun than tracking my former client Lubija Beara a defendant at the ICTY at The Hague.
Also, discussing the dynamics of an object, like a jet does not neccesarily mean I am implying a human needs 'design' itself in the same manner. notice i said it needed input from a human and other control sources to be "level".
i was not trying to be completely metaphorical about it.
Neither the blog owner or myself are the type to be one of your clients, think about that.
Beara :)