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Watch out for Predators

My mom is really sweet. She is also quite possibly the most worried person I've ever met. She is always, always worried...mostly about me. I'm her only kid so I guess it makes sense, and not to mention I'm super lovable ;)

Tonight I called her on my way home from dinner with some friends. After a few minutes she asked me if I was home yet. I told her I had parked in front of my house but was walkin across the street to a local coffee shop to grab a decaf mocha...perfect end to the week. My plan was to sip that baby and watch Sex and the City, oh my Friday night! Mom got worried, clearly crossing the street is difficult, even at age 24. "Call me when you get inside, I wanna talk more." I replied, "I don't believe you, you just want to know I got inside and wasn't killed getting coffee!" Then somewhere along the conversation I found myself saying "OK, OK, I'll watch out for predators." Who says that?! I'll watch out for predators? Wow, I've become conditioned to a very, very worried mother...who clearly loves me tons!

Nighty night.
And don't forget to lock up!


Rowdy said…
I'm glad your safe! hahaha.
Oh, and I read your whole blog all the way through tonight. =)

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