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Showing posts from December, 2008

The "Snuggie"

Apparently I'm not the only one who has seen the infomercial for the "Snuggie." I assumed since I have a late-night-TV guilty pleasure, I would stand alone in making fun of this absolutely ridiculous product! After dinner tonight I now know that others are aware of this $20 blanket with sleeves. One of the many savvy gals I surround myself with (gotta love my girlfriends) made quite the conclusion. "It's just a backwards robe!" After the two of us listening pictured the product and made the connection, the convo continued with interrupting waves of laughter. "A backwards robe without the belt" I added. "They look like monks!" "The guy selling this thing must be thinkin 'What a bunch of idiots! They're buying my backwards robe!'" If you're interested in this unique invention call within 7 minutes and get a bonus book light with it (that you can also find at Big Lots for $1.50) What a deal!

Tangent Tuesday

My mind has been racing (like a pronoun!) all day. Not in an anxious way, in a caffeine high sorta way...except that I don't drink caffeine. It could be my new diet that is giving me lots 'o energy! Silver lining as always ;) Anyhoo, lots of random tangents and possibly fun facts for you today...coming from Sara land. 1. I am broke as a joke right now. Since I haven't started subbing (my latest life plan) I am living on the Serving/Bartending earnings, which isn't much. The economy really is affecting the restaurant biz, people just don't want to spend a lot of money eating out, therefore people like me don't make as much as we used to in tips. So, for Christmas my adorable mom, grandma, uncle and cousin all got me gift cards to places like Vons, Trader Joe's and Target...oh and Starbucks too! It must be a motherly instinct or something because the most frequently asked question from mom and grandma after "Do you have gas in your car?" is ...

Straight from Germany

Getting nostalgic I pulled out my journal from traveling through Europe last summer. So this is straight out of it...poor grammar and all ;) I have to admit I can barely read my own writing! Friday July 18, 2008 We had another great, free hotel bfast, no champagne today :) Checked out. My hypothesis was correct, the clothes hung all around the room are definitely still wet. In the suitcase they go, what are ya gonna do! We checked out and realized "Borkum" our next destination is on another island! We would. Basically we'd have to go back through Hamburg to the other side. Right now we're in Utersum on the island of Fohr. Instead, we cancel our Borkum hostel and with the help of our very sweet German hotel owner, get a cab to the nearest hostel on OUR island. That hostel = full. The lady tells us about "Haus Atlantis" a house behind the hostel building that rents out rooms. We get our ish over there and some how communicate that we ...

The last thing I want to do right now...

is go to TARGET! It also happens to be the one thing I need to get done before work. Since I can't live another day without contact solution and paper towels, the Target dog is calling my name! It's freezing balls in my house, like beyond stardard cold house temperature. It is an ungodly temp here on Talbot street. With hard-wood floors, lack of central heating and poor insulation (for example, the windows that don't fully shut) I'm one cold gal! I want to take a hot shower, drink hot tea and snuggle in my cozy bed that currently has two down comforters on it (actually synthetic down comforters since I'm high maintenence and allergic to feather!). But instead, onward to the total circus going on at the most popular and frequented store of the holidays! I'm just hoping the babies, that are notoriously there in that little seat part of the cart that most of us put our purse in, AREN'T crying today as their mothers return gifts and make use of gift...

You know you're PMSing when...

Costco won't let you pick up your photos (that will complete Dad's Christmas present) and you take the following actions: 1. You start out by frantically looking through the "M" file at the photo counter and making your frustration with your envelope's missing status known by exhaling loudly. 2. You get remarkably annoyed with the Costco employee who can't spell Morgan, possibly the least unique last name of all time. 3. You attempt taking control of the situation by going to the "Costco Photo Center confirmation email" via your handy Samsung and act completely impatient as you wait to "connect." 4. When the "Photo Expert" finally finds your photos and innocently admits to having spelled Morgan wrong (after already correcting him, see #1 above) you wait 'til he looks away and roll your eyes in total aggravation. 5. After being told your card is expired and he cannot sell you your already printed photos, you act lik...

Out of all the convos...

During the holidays I consider myself a nomad...lots of movin around, lots of cities, lots of family members I haven't seen in forever. I have to say that out of all the convos, the various inquiries experienced in the past week, my conversation with Aunt Pat had to be my favorite Holiday catch up sesh. Over dinner: "Now did you get implants or are those yours?" Me stumbling: "Um, they're mine." I think I still might feel a little awkward. Oh Patty you never cease to amaze me.

A few 1 minute after midnight thoughts...

So I just finished my LAST credential assignment EVER! Amazing feeling. I have been working at my credential to teach for the past 2 years...okay 2 years and 4 months! It's supposed to be a year program! I like to pretend to be an over achiever (cuz really I'm NOT one) and do things like taking on a full-time teaching job in the middle of an intense program, oh and a serving job too, ya know for saving money to travel Europe purposes! all that's left are 2 tests to take and probably giving PLNU some more money and then... I can teach in Public Schools! Woo HOO! That means a salary I can actually live on, bennies, and maybe even a 401K! I don't know exactly what a "401K" does for an individual, but I know it's supposed to be pretty good! I packed for my 5 day trip up to OC/LA for some fam-holiday time. Sis' bday tomorrow, Dad's on Monday and the Christmas goodness later this week. We'll be spending Christmas eve with Sister's fian...

I love asking for help

Not. I just came up with a pretty good picture of how I feel when asking my parents for help, financially speaking... "ASKING FOR HELP FROM MY PARENTS IS LIKE STABBING A DAGGER THROUGH MY CHEST!" I yelled across the house to my roommate after a fun can-I-have-some-money convo with Papa. Then in a less dramatic fashion, "It makes me want to eat some of that left-over chocolate trifle in our fridge! ...and then take a nap!" I will refrain from doing any of the previously mentioned actions and instead will hope that the bills I'm about to pay don't cause overdraft fees. Love you Bank of America!

Congratuations to my big SISTER!

My sis is engaged! Her and her boo went on a trip up the coast and he popped the question!!! Ok I have to share this...I am sort of in a rush today, running errands etc and typing rather quickly, I just accidentily wrote "pooped the question"! LOL (I'm easily amused) Good thing I fixed that typo. I would have had some confused readers! Anyway, Casey and Chase (who I lovingly refer to as "Chasey") are now ENGAGED! woo hoo!!! Sister, I am so excited for you! Chase is amazing and he obviously knows how amazing you are! Love it and love you both...also, please make me an aunt soon :) On a selfish note, I'm stoked to be the MOH (Made of Honor) and in charge of picking out the bridesmaid dresses! Guess what other bridesmaids, if it's flattering on're all gonna have to wear it!!! Muah ha ha ha. Love is in the air.

Things I love about Christmas...that I've experienced in the last 24 hours

1. Red sparkly nail polish being appropriate 2. Rain 3. Having a Christmas Party 4. Cooking for that party 5. Wearing Snow man pajamas 6. Writing Christmas Cards 7. Wrapping presents 8. Having my front door wrapped up like a gift 9. Winter Blend tea 10. Ridiculous slippers 11. Receiving Christmas cards from peeps I haven't seen in daaaaaaaaaays! 12. Heading to work, knowing it'll be slow and hence bringing the Xmas cards to address 13. The music and movies! DUH.


Why do people wear Santa hats around Christmas? Ya know the red felt hats with the white trim and ball. I don't understand wearing them even ON Christmas, and especially not on any other day in December. I am always left wondering...huh? And more importantly...why? It's not like people go around with bunny ears on for Easter, or throughout the entire month of April!

Possibly a perfect day

Today has the potential to be possibly a perfect day. Started out the morning by waking up on my own instead of to the deafening sound of my alarm clock...which is strategically placed on the furthest part of my night stand making it necessary for me to get out of bed to turn it off. On a usual day when I have to be woken by the beast of beeping I am immediately a little irritated, more so than the normal irritated state I'm in when being forced to leave my slumber! I lied in my cozy bed for a while, thinking, in and out of REM and then got up before 9:00am, quite impressive on my day off I thought. I hit the gym to make it to the 9:30 Turbo Kick Boxing class. Oh my release! I love pretending to kick and knee and punch someone (kinda creepy, we all have our quirks). Then did some legit arm exercises and finished up by getting in my zen, stretching in the quiet dark room downstairs. Of course there was the standard trainer stretching her client and making small talk, but I was a...

I need a yob

A few "posts" ago I said I got a job...and to stay tuned. Good thing I didn't waste any more minutes of my life writing about that job because I didn't end up taking it! I swear if I change my mind one more time...I don't know what, but something crazy! It turned out that after some negotiation, homie (the employer) did NOT want to properly compensate me for the work that I was going to be responsible for. No thanks. I suppose I'll just wait for something better. Today Miss Green called me and told me her manager at Nordstrom needed someone for the holidays. GREAT! So I'll be a little batty selling crazy Christmas shoppers clothing, but I'll make some money! Woo hoo. I'm meeting with Nordi's tomorrow, based on what past experiences have shown I'm probably speaking too soon, but it sounds promising. Also in the works- a connection at a local high school. So we'll see what happens...current possibilities in my mind: 1. Work at ...

Oh the places you'll go! the Las Vegas airport. Current location and status: middle class and single. I'm kidding. Gate B10, delayed, estimated time of flight 1:50pm. Originally the time was 9:40am...then 10:55, 12:30, 1:30, and now 1:50. After the first "update" I knew I had at least an hour and a half to kill before boarding. With a carry-on full of knitting goods, a journal and "Twilight" my current leisure read, I was well prepared for this sort of thing. Instead of sitting at the gate I thought I'd have a change of scenary and enjoy a nice beverage of some sort. I left B10 and explored...then there was the dillema- On my right, Starbucks. MMMMMmmmm who doesn't love the peppermint mochas out in the month of December?! On my left, Fox Sports Bar. Who couldn't use a little mimosa pick-me-up in a delayed flight, stressful airport/holiday situation?! 3 secs of deliberation later and mimosa it is. Unfortunately the bartender didn't have I...