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Oh the places you'll go! the Las Vegas airport.

Current location and status: middle class and single. I'm kidding.
Gate B10, delayed, estimated time of flight 1:50pm.

Originally the time was 9:40am...then 10:55, 12:30, 1:30, and now 1:50. After the first "update" I knew I had at least an hour and a half to kill before boarding. With a carry-on full of knitting goods, a journal and "Twilight" my current leisure read, I was well prepared for this sort of thing.

Instead of sitting at the gate I thought I'd have a change of scenary and enjoy a nice beverage of some sort. I left B10 and explored...then there was the dillema- On my right, Starbucks. MMMMMmmmm who doesn't love the peppermint mochas out in the month of December?! On my left, Fox Sports Bar. Who couldn't use a little mimosa pick-me-up in a delayed flight, stressful airport/holiday situation?!
3 secs of deliberation later and mimosa it is.

Unfortunately the bartender didn't have I resorted to a Screwdriver, I figure anything mixed with OJ (vodka in this case) is acceptable for a morning cocktail. Other people were drinking beer! Weirdos. Anyway, after deciding knitting was probably inappropriate in a bar, I dove into my amazingly entertaining book.

(Side note: I seriously recommend reading "Twilight." I know it's out in theatres but there is NO WAY the movie could capture how fricken amazing this book is. I'm not just saying this to be one of the annoying smart people that always says books are better than movies..."OMG I just love reading books so much! The book is ALWAYS better than the movie!" Riiiiiiiiight. You are an intellectual and love reading, we all get it! But seriously, coming from a "non-i heart reading" person this book is da bomb!)

Anyhoo, I sipped my cocktail and refrained from working on the cable knit scarf in my knitting bag, occasionally looking up from my book to people watch. There were only a few people in the small bar, mostly females whom I judged by their wardrobe one way or another- Yes I'm willing to admit that. In the middle of one of my looking, watching, judging moments, I made eye contact with a fellow Fox Sports Bar custy. Assuming I appeared to be staring at him, or even worse, flirting, I quickly moved my gaze 3 feet above his head to check out the game that was on the TV...I dunno, football or basketball or something. I could NOT care any less about sports and specifically whatever game was on now, but was trying to avoid unintentional eye flirting. Although I'm a master at avoidence, I did not avoid this.

So, "Tony Pony Tail" came over to my table. Note: We're calling him this not because his name was Tony, but because he did indeed have a pony tail. I had occupied three of the four seats with myself, my carry on and my purse, marking my territory upon arrival. His opening line was actually quite good. Not totally out of nowhere AND humorous (a good opening line combo to all of you male readers). I had just checked out the latest female who entered the bar...he had too. Pony Tony slighly interrupted my reading with "So how'd ya feel about that belt?" I had noticed her belt, it was pretty intense. I couldn't help but laugh and be slightly impressed that he was confident enough to pull up a chair and discuss fashion.

Since I'm not a guy nor an aggressive girl, I don't even know what it must be like to approach someone like that. I'm thinkin it's probably pretty rough. I can't imagine the fear of going up to someone, especially a girl like myself who (according to close friends) puts off the "Screw You" vibe and starting a convo...then sitting yourself down at their table!

Tony did a very nice job. Once I found out his age I realized he'd had a lot of years to practice! The conversation was entertaining and less awkward than a usual one in this sort of setting. I let him buy me a 2nd drink and continued to "kill my time" waiting to fly to Reno. As far as I could tell there was no intention of behaving in an ungentlemanly manner, one that my mother would disapprove of.

Unfortunately for him, he missed his flight as he was so engaged in our conversation...this is my horn, being tooted. I was not about to do the same and miss mine, sorry Pony Tony, not gonna happen. Although he had now another 3 hours to wait (oops) I decided to go back to hang at B10, ensuring my promptness.

As I sat on the plane and stared at a flight attendent buckling a seat belt with a big bright smile, I realized just how funny male/female interaction can be. Tony Pony Tail however was a nice example of it being less funny in the awkward sense and just more funny in the real sense of the word!

No matter how it's handled, Boys, I feel very sorry for you that you are the ones that have to (or should rather) come up to us! Having to come up with something to say and decifering if a girl is a total hag or not...tricky. You all have a new found respect from this blonde!


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