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Tangent Tuesday

My mind has been racing (like a pronoun!) all day. Not in an anxious way, in a caffeine high sorta way...except that I don't drink caffeine. It could be my new diet that is giving me lots 'o energy! Silver lining as always ;)

Anyhoo, lots of random tangents and possibly fun facts for you today...coming from Sara land.

1. I am broke as a joke right now. Since I haven't started subbing (my latest life plan) I am living on the Serving/Bartending earnings, which isn't much. The economy really is affecting the restaurant biz, people just don't want to spend a lot of money eating out, therefore people like me don't make as much as we used to in tips. So, for Christmas my adorable mom, grandma, uncle and cousin all got me gift cards to places like Vons, Trader Joe's and Target...oh and Starbucks too! It must be a motherly instinct or something because the most frequently asked question from mom and grandma after "Do you have gas in your car?" is "Do you have enough money for groceries?" So for this Christmas, knowing I've been a struggler in the finance dept since my Europe trip, they made sure that I would have food in my fridge!

Now to the point...Since I had over $150 to Target (a little excessive I thought) I attempted to trade in two of the 4 cards for cash. This way instead of buying unneeded Xileration brand clothing, I could instead pay some bills this month. For those of you that don't already know this and were thinking of doing the same thing: It's totally not Allowed! You can however cash the cards in once they're down to $10. So, being the strategic schemer that I am, I worked the system and so far have twenty extra dollas in my wallet. I purchased a new lamp (thanks Uncle Gene!) and used one card, which then had almost $10 left on it. Then used the other for my other necessaries (ya know Target's low priced cereal, Midol, things of that nature) with the other card...cha ching!!! Turn those babies in and off I go with some cashola! So FYI in a bind, gift cards can be quite lucrative!

2. On my way to the parking lot I tried with all my might to be unseen by the "I want your donation" guy outside Target and it did not work. His attempt to stop me was the following, "Mam, do you have time to help out children in poverty today?" I cut him off and quickly said "No thank you" as politely as I could. Then I realized how loaded that question is. Wow. If I say no, which I did, I am pretty much a terrible person. I don't have "time" for children in poverty? How busy could I be? And he doesn't even know that today is my day off! I actually have lots of time! Eeeeek. So awkward. In my defense I'm assuming he wanted money and guess what...this bartender doesn't have any my friend. Some other time I guess.

3. Clorox bleach cleans ANYTHING! Even the ridiculously old stove in my ridiculously old house! That stuff is the bomb! Try it for yourself ;)

4. Thank God that trash is not an addition to my already established monthly bills. I put my bags of trash in my landlord's trash can. He lives behind (and sort of next to us, it's an odd set up). So, in order to do this, I have to walk out onto Rosecrans, a terribly busy street that just about everyone who lives in Point Loma or OB has to venture down at some point in their day, to throw those puppies out! It has to look odd. Like some girl is taking her trash (and recycling, go GREEN) to some random person's trash cans! I'm terrified every time that some Loma kid will come down Talbot, the perpendicular street and do a honk/wave...then drive away and think "huh? That Sara girl is odd." It's possible they've thought that prior.  Oh well. The rent is cheap.

As you can guess, today was cleaning day. It's my day off and although I get the "day" off even when I have to work nights, I can't stand to do something involving a swifer or trash bag when later I'll be spending my evening filling salt and pepper shakers and wiping down bar stools!

5. I am all about fake curse words. I think it comes from being a kindergarten teacher and a Christian for most of my life. Not that I'm great at abstaining from a few choice words every now and then, but I generally utilize some great alternatives...things like "Martha!" "Mother of Pearl!" "Sucker Fish!" "Son of a biscuit!" "Mother Father!" To name a few ;) Well, my roomie, who is even better at fake curse words, we'll call them "furse words" has a great one. I realized today I've picked it up.

Situation: Attempting to screw in a new light bulb (Yes, I know the blonde, light bulb joke) Anyway, I dropped the light bulb and yelled...

"William Shatner!"

It makes no sense at all, and I can't even name one movie William Shatner stars in, but for some reason it was a perfect furse word at the moment. Thanks Court...your expertise in faux cursing is rubbing off on me!

That was a little bit of my randomness on this Tuesday afternoon. Remember in my first entry I said you don't want to be up in my head?! I meant it :)


Karen Carter said…
I love a good tangent and have had plenty of them myself. You are such a funny writer and I just love your blog. And have to add how proud I am to have made the blog roll! (very big deal) So are you the one on Craigs list selling Target cards? If I lived nearby I would buy one for double just to help a girl out. Ash and I are both on "non refund status" at the Big Red T,guess you are only allowed two per year? When did Target get so darn strict? Keep writing and I will keep reading. Hugs Karen~ I am off to take down decorations! Ohhh William Shatner

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