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All this "rain" gave me a rash!

So I have a few modows in life-not to be confused with cliches, I'm so against cliches. One of the many modows (some of which can also be considered blanket statements) is "When it pours!"

I often use this one in reference to my love life. Although it can seem like a drawn out drought, when it comes to dating...when it rains it pours!

So this week, I played the role of a pursuee. (Note: I use the word "pursue" and it's noun forms loosely and mostly because the word "prospect" sounds a little demeaning.) Not only 1,2, or 3, but FOUR pursuers were involved in this version of Sara Hates Dating. I hate dating for many reasons which include but are not limited to words like awkward, uncomfortable and Is anybody else watching this?! These feelings of mine will be described in detail in a later blog entry I'm sure.

It started out with Pursuer #1 (P1). P1 has been lethargically "pursuing" since July. He writes me weekly (not in the romantic letter/stamp way) but rather in the 20-something technological form...Facebook. Oh what social networking sites have done to our generation! So, ideas for meeting each other had been thrown around-we only know of each other via a mutual friend with great intentions :) There are some positive aspects to getting to know each other slowly and without the pressure of face-to-faceness, I must say. Since July there have been numerous Facebook messages (the more private option on "The Face"). Statements like "I think we'll really hit it off" blah blah blah. We hadn't written since before Christmas...the longest stretch without writing yet. Clearly (in my mind at least) this message saga had fizzled out. After all, I'm not really in the market for a pen pal! Welp, good 'ol P1 has attempted to start it back up! Really? What's the point??? I'm tired already.

Pursuer #2 (P2) was one of those "we keep running into each other, we should hang out" situations. Okay sometimes the question "Is there a cosmic reason we keep running into each other?" gets added to the last statement. Oy. Anyway, P2 was too wimpy to get my number at the last run in. Instead he awkwardly asked me before I left, " where do you live?" I wanted to rescue the poor guy and his attempt by stating the obvious, "You mean, can you have my number? Sure. Why not?" So, without a number guessed it, back to Facebook. Starts out as a wall post (very public) then moves to a message (the true sign of intentions in social site world) The message involved an ask out to coffee. Since the previous, P1, took me down "Facebook never turns to phone" road, I decided to make life easier for everyone by replying to the message and leaving my phone number so we could "...figure the coffee plans out." Between the two of our Facebook messages, Thursday was looking like the best night for a coffee date. Here's what goes on in my mind (the very simplified version) "He has my number. I said Thursday worked for me. He'll call Thursday for a Thursday night date." Wrong. No call. Friday night rolls around and I'm out on a date with Pursuer #3 (who you'll soon meet). Inside Information: P3's chances are looking up compared to the other yahoos at this point. P2 text messages me. Clearly he got my reply on Facebook as he now has my number, yet mentions nothing about the lack of a Thursday call/coffee, but asks what I'm up to on this Friday evening. Is anybody else watching this? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. I text messaged him back and told him I was exhausted (totally the truth) and was staying in for the night (not totally the truth). Today I found myself updating a friend on P2's status and yelling in a dramatic fashion, "Is chivalry dead?!" I guess I'm just supposed to overlook this flaky act and assume he forgot or something? Guess what P2...I'm a busy gal and have a schedule here! I said Thursday because I'm booked on Friday! Heeeeeeeeeeello?!

The P3 date went well. Super fun and "Happy Hour" turned into "Happy lots of hours"...until 1 in the morning to be precise. I like a man who can hold a convo for 10 hours straight. It's impressive. When I told my Dad about my evening he asked, "He didn't try to get you intoxicated did He?" I responded, "Of course not! If I were intoxicated I wouldn't be able to hold a stimulating conversation, which is clearly what all guys are after!" We laughed.

Pursuer #4 is someone who should have been out of the running weeks ago! He likes to text message me every now and then and remind me of his existence (as if I need the help). After some text banter this week, he asked what I was doing on "Singles' Awareness Day" aka Valentines' Day. I responded, "If you want to take me on a DATE just say so." No response from P4. Since he's the guy who wants you to "come over and we'll get a 30-pack" this does not surprise me.

Since I've become accustomed to droughts, this busy week really stressed me out. Too much stimulation or something! Whatever it gave me a rash! That's right, rash on left foot, both thighs and forehead. All I can say is when it rains it pours and apparently I don't like being "pursued" as much as I'm supposed to because instead of feeling flattered...I feel itchy!


Rowdy said…
They should be called flakes #1-4. Ugh.

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