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Tangeant Tuesday

I went to Denny's this morning for a FREE grand slam. Awesome way to start off my Tuesday. Still made it to work by 8..ish.

I took some of my kids into a conference room today to work on some math problems in a small group. Nick, an interesting character, sat at the head of the table and said, "I am in charge of this meeting and today we will talk about....CHEESE!" I'm still laughing.

My mom is coming down this weekend and we just planned our tentative agenda: lunch, pedi's, movies, and Wine Bar! So stoked.

Today as we read a science article in class I'm reminded of Billy Madison (Adam Sandler's character) over and over again:
1. We're learning about Chlorophyll...I am tempted beyond belief to yell out "Chlorophyll? More like BOREophyll!"
2. One of my kids has a super rough speech imped. Poor guy! When I listen to him read I can't help but think "Ta, ta, today Junior!" Thank God the sweet Norwegian kid helps him as he reads. Every two words, Kristen patiently chimes in..."that's nucleoid" ...con, con, "confining" or, org, "organic." Thanks Kristen .

The speech imped kid (I'm so PC) struggles with reading as well as getting it out. My attention was caught immediately when he said orgasm instead of organism. What does your teacher have you researching today?! Oops. Let's try that word again. The worst part is the other 3 kids laughed and knew what that word meant! 7th grade is a lot different than it used to be. One of the kids made my horrification (I can make up words if i want to) known by yelling and pointing, "Miss Sara, your face is completely RED!" Thanks for that observation Miranda!

Today I have to go do some Bridesmaid duty (Maid of Honor, actually..bragging). I'll be getting measured at the 'ol Martinizer for my dress. YIKES. Hope that Grand Slam didn't add on inches this morning!

Almost Wednesday. We're 1/2 way there!


Rowdy said…
just as long as you dont have to pee yourself during a field trip. u know, to make the other kids feel good...

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