It seems like a good excuse, leaving out the fact that it's untrue of course. I am definitely not too smart to study. But, I can't help but feel like it's a waste of my precious time! Spring Break is in fact over in 24 hours. Remind me of my arrogance when I have to re-take my $130 California Teachers mandated test.
I'm at T-2 hours and cannot study any more! Don't be fooled. This statement makes it sound as if I've been nose deep in study guides for months. Also false. I've studied a total of 3 days...in actual hours...probably an hour and a half, rounding up. I was at my favorite coffee shop (fave mostly because it's 10 feet from my front door) the past two mornings. The delicious "Surfing Goat" breakfast sandwich and mochas help, I'll admit.
I just want to get it over with! It's so clear to me, in situations like this more than ever, that I am the antithesis of a typical teacher personality. I'm tellin ya, the gals in my program LOVED studying, and were good at it! They talked a mile a minute about how productive their weekends were and tales of teacher verbiage that I generally tuned out. Most of my weekends back then were productive too. I had hit up way more bars than the average San Diegan, and had probably accumulated more sleep too. Rest is very important.
It's a good thing the kiddos keep me loving my trade. Because I'm tellin' you, those Elementary school teachers are trippin. In my opinion, if I can study 1/2 (probably an 1/8 realistically) the amount of what they do, and still pass, why would I take away from my beach time/social life and study any more than that? Life is just too short babes!
So here's my excuse, and I'm stickin' to it...
I'm too smart to study.
what do you call someone who lied and cheated through medical school? "Doctor"