I am just so ready for this month to be over, I believe that March vibes are more promising.
This past week (which led to my rant against the month of February) made me realize what necessary evils tend to wear me out...including but certainly not limited to:
6am "hot" yoga sesh before work.
Exhibiting my students' projects for parents, coworkers and other passersby.
Lots of cooking (cooking at home tends to be lighter on the kcals, bathing suit season IS right around the corner...that thought wears on me as well)
Keeping up on bills...and laundry
Working on a Saturday.
Having to repaint my nails over and over again because chipped polish makes me feel like a hobo.
Straightening my sinful amount of hair.
Getting junior highers to be somewhat independent.
Grocery shopping (back to the slue of cooking/bathing suit thoughts)
Morning meetings.
Females actin' a fool (and no I'm not referring to those still left on The Bachelor, in the interest of time I've decided to leave that to another post)
And quite possibly the fact that it's one o'clock in the morning.
Good night readers....love you.
Note: At my Christian, pardon me NAZARENE, university our Chaplin (chapel being another necessary evil) used to bring his sermon to a sudden halt and whisper into his microphone, "Students...(long pause)....love you." Although it was a bit creepy, I found it endearing. Look who's the creep now!
cooking at home is good.
you'll be fine!