I refer to dating. Let me disclaim right off the bat, that I do not rely on my own strength in this area. No, this is not a biblical reference...I currently rely on 29 dimensions that are bigger than I...it's called "online-dating." Lord, seeing that hyphened word in print is just shameful!
Welp, got over the shame pretty quickly, feeling alright now...
This week I scheduled what I like to call a "Dating Quadruple bypass." The expectation is I'll bypass at least three of the four dates. Nonetheless, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday night all include a beautiful thing...free dinner. I'll be doing a real-life, unscripted version of The Bachelor. I definitely won't be telling any of them that I'm "following my heart" or "falling in love with more than one of them"...or any statement involving the word "journey." Instead, I'll be attempting authentic conversation and...well....probably drinking a lot of wine.
One of these gentlemen (Mr. Thursday night) is now on Date 3. The process has been less painful than usual, actually enjoyable, I appreciate that. Date 3 means only one thing, in as charming a way as possible of course: Hair straightening takes a halt. I'm a busy woman for crying out loud. Four dates? I'm gonna need some sleep and will not have the extra hour for a flat iron and some sticky Paul Mitchell product. Hope everyone's okay with that. Also, I'm over nibbling through a salad at this point...can I eat some red meat in front of this guy yet?! And the girly Coors Light thing...total hoax, I'd prefer the 22 oz Stella, thank you.
Here goes nothing. Stay tuned...for more helpful dating hints obviously.
And you're welcome ;)