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The latin man with which I ate a shrimp ceasar.

With so much to report on the dating front, I struggle to maintain a focal point. You see, there's an epic battle that goes on in my head (among others): to write on one topic and stay (or at least appear) focused OR to throw it all out there and allow you to experience a sufficient part of the mayhem.

In attempt to get to bed at a reasonable hour and less selfishly, protect YOU from establishing an overwhelming disdain for the topic at hand...I will stick to just one thing:

The latin man with which I ate a shrimp ceasar.

On the third of my 4 dates in four days (shout out to the world wide web) I set out on a latin themed adventure. We met at a Mexican restaurant guessed it, Pacific Beach. The crazy part is that I chose the location, and we know how I feel about PB. On my way to the beloved beach town, running late naturally, I sped through neighborhoods and quickly took in the obscene amount of Beer Pong being played. That's neither here nor there I suppose. A lovely intro into the evening I'd soon experience though.

Arrived, met, and onto the good stuff...

Initially I pegged the latin as muy aburrido (very boring). Quite the contrary. As the night went on, I learned more and more muy interesante facts about Senor Latino; where he's lived, that he's a rocket scientist, and oh yea...the fact that he's a total creepo. *I sorta wanted to just say creep as it's the best possible description, but felt it should be more spanish sounding, to fit the theme obviously.

Senor said a few questionable things (purposely in my humble not-so-expert-on-dating opinion) that were not the effect of our fish bowl sized margaritas. I believe they were for an all too familiar attempt to "intrigue" a lady by keeping her wondering what the eff you're talking about. One fine example is the sort of compliment but OH PSYCH YOUR MIND IT"S NOT a compliment technique. A real go-getter.

"Yea your photos were really nice...really nice." Thanks. Thanks? Wait a sec, does that mean I don't look really nice in person? What the hell amigo?
"Yea you're like rocking the heels and stuff." Uh, yes, yes I am. Are you trying to say that you like my heels? No? Okay.

There were also a few awesome "I"m super latin" comments.
"Women shouldn't take jobs away from men who need them to support their families" and then opposing to latin culture but still offensive to women comments like, "I just don't like women in my kitchen. I'm the cook." You can imagine my subtle responses to this sort of dialogue. Lucky for him, tequila makes me sweet (sorta), rather than feisty like vodka does! Yikes.

I have to say that the evening was extremely entertaining and since that would be the only expectation I go into like situations with, I was satisfied, kinda. I did enjoy the over poured beverage and fresh-mex cuisine, I must say.


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