Recession brings people to desperation. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I can't imagine the choices one would be forced to make if feeding his or her family were at stake. I'm sure that some are desperate enough to do things that in normal circumstances they would be incapable of doing. This is not to be taken lightly. But, on a lighter note, I generally provide one of those, there are also desperate moves that are goin' on during this time that are not a result of survival, but merely something else...which I can't yet put my ring-less finger on. Yes that's right, I'm talking about desperate moves made by men, more appropriately titled, boys. Moves that make me say out loud, "hmmmm?" and also "huh?" I have touched on my "When it rains it pours" theory before. Well it still has yet to be disproved. We got most of the P1-P4's outta there and now there's a whole 'nother team up at bat. I can'...
Tales that are just long enough.