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Showing posts from March, 2009

Recession and T-Ball

Recession brings people to desperation. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I can't imagine the choices one would be forced to make if feeding his or her family were at stake. I'm sure that some are desperate enough to do things that in normal circumstances they would be incapable of doing. This is not to be taken lightly. But, on a lighter note, I generally provide one of those, there are also desperate moves that are goin' on during this time that are not a result of survival, but merely something else...which I can't yet put my ring-less finger on. Yes that's right, I'm talking about desperate moves made by men, more appropriately titled, boys. Moves that make me say out loud, "hmmmm?" and also "huh?" I have touched on my "When it rains it pours" theory before. Well it still has yet to be disproved. We got most of the P1-P4's outta there and now there's a whole 'nother team up at bat. I can'...


I've been dancing all week, four hours a day. I have the sore body and bruises to prove it. It's amazing to me how there are certain things in life that make us (or at least make me) utterly focused. Dance is one of those things. I don't dance often enough, but every time I do, I say to myself, "Why don't I do this more?!" It's sort of like cooking for me. For some reason my brain tells me it's more fun to go out to eat. Then, I take the time to cook, go through the process, put on the cute apron blah blah blah...and realize cooking is great and just like dancing, I should do it more often! Today as I sat (perched rather) in an awkward break-dancing position, this is where the bruises come from, it made me really think. Now normally, I don't need help thinking, this analytical-beyond-over-thinker has enough thoughts on her own. However, dancing takes away the wheels on the bus going round and round type thinking and all the sudden turns me into ...

Nice Rack

I am extremely sore and joyfully exhausted. This week has been fantastic...and it's only Wednesday. After a day of cardio hip hop, break dancing and learning incredible choreographed routines I went home to hit the shower. That's how you know I got worked. Normally after a hard workout, I'm all about hitting the errands sans an in-between shower. These days though, the dancin madness has got me resorting to cleanliness! I've been sweating like a man...more than an average man probably.  After a shower and Advil I was ready to conquer my to-do list of errands. I started out picking up my bartending paycheck. I just love having two makes it seem like there's always someone paying me! My manager (the "mo-fo" abolitionist) had left a message for me earlier asking if I could work on Saturday morning. Let me just say that Saturday is my ONLY day off. In a given week I work forty hours teaching and two nights mixin' 'dem drinks (ok...

We represent the LOLLI-POP kids!

This week we represent the HIPPI -HOP kids! I have the privilege of working at a school that is legit...too legit to quit (hey hey!) I came from a previous job that couldn't be more opposite than the current. My principal micro-managed her staff, and not to mention, the children (which bothered me most!) They are human beings, not robots. They are full of quirks and craziness, embrace it! Basically the last place was not a fit for me, and I was not at all a fit for them...too wild. I think my boss considered me an untamed horse...with too many clothes.Side note: The principal at my current school, which we call a "director" asked me what my last name was this morning. Awesome. My current job allows me to have the most amazing next month ever. For the next two weeks I am heading up one of our "Intersession" teams with another hip hop enthusiast. We are taking a group of 27 students to an incredible dance studio to dance for the next 5 days from 1...

Grey turned black and white...but mostly black

So as I briefly mentioned in my " Tangent Tuesday" stint, some gray area in my life just turned well, a lot less grey. This is all in reference to P4. Here's a little taste of how p4 treats B.S.S ( Blonde Story, for the slow learners-I always have you in mind as a Special Needs teacher!) Anyway, for productivity's sake, I'll give some examples in list form-my unspoken thoughts in parentheses as usual: Some of my text- tastic treats: " Ur such a sweetheart, I like you " (Ok fine) " That's one of the reasons I like're funny and clever " (Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all night, don't forget to tip your waitress!) " I love your eyes. Seriously I get lost in them, you don't even know the power you have ." (I could really take advantage of that! But I'll try not to) This is the kinda stuff that I've been hearin ' from P4. This paired with consistency, thoughtfulne...

Tangeant Tuesday, brought to you by the overthinker

I should feel refreshed after a relaxing (sorta) 3-day weekend. That's the thing about being in education, the people that run our schedules think we deserve many random 3-day weekends, and I concur. I'm not exactly refreshed however, since I am in the spin cycle of my over-thinking...just keep going around and around! I have many tangents today. I just found out that this week we are going to be doing Sex-Ed in the 7th grade tomorrow. Lookin forward to that, especially with these 12 year-old yahoos! Happy St. Paty's Day. Hope you're wearing green. I wish there was a book of rules for life...especially for relationships. Black and white could actually be really helpful in certain cases. Unfortunately, most decisions are based on some sorta gray shade. As of an hour ago, my gray sitch just showed its black hue. A decision made. fewf. I got a rolled up dollar put in my hand by a 92 year old customer I served last night. She looked up from her dark, large glasses...

Blatter Pattern

A co-worker and I keep running into each other in the "Teacher" bathroom. After the standard passing with a smile, 30-second convo, we decided we must be on the same "schedule"...I added, "Or the same blatter pattern!" (laughter, laughter, laughter) It's a good thing these people are easily amused. Also, they might think I'm insane.


This was one of those Monday mornings where I literally say out-loud, "Seriously?!" I skipped the morning cardio due to Daylight Savings too tired and too dark. I got up and through the a.m. routine (including a bowl of nutritious cranberry oatmeal...adding a dash of cinnamon makes all the difference!) I was out the door in under 30 minutes and only going to be about 10 minutes late for work instead of the usual 15-20.I have this buffer...I technically should arrive at 8:00, however there are rarely students there for morning tutoring before 8:30. So, you can see where the temptation to sleep a little longer comes into play. I decided it would be wise to use my "extra" time and last two $1 bills on an iced decaf from the coffee stand minutes from my house then headed to work, only 3 minutes away. Blinker on, about to turn into school, I realized the delicious beverage had spilled from the bottom of the plastic cup...and onto my boob! This may...

My 2 latest issues involve the word "MO-FO"

Let's start with " Mo-fo " issue #1. Last Monday I was asked to make a list of helpful hints for a coworker (at my bartending job). She would be opening the bar solo the next day and needed some essential reminders...things like; put place mats and rolled up silverware out so people can help themselves etc...just your average list of frivolous information that surprisingly makes a difference. I titled the list "Things that will make life easier." I got a friendly call from my manager on Saturday. FYI I'm not a fan of work related calls on Saturdays-I tend your bar 2 nights a week, beyond that I'd like you to pretend I don't exist! She asked me if I remembered #5 on my list of reminders. Obvious response-"Um...nope." There's only so much room in this head and trust me there's already a lot goin' on up there, I don't recall what "#5."  She continued, "Well you wrote, 'Make extra iced tea, people drink it...

Life lessons and Algebra

As I've shared before, I love an almost freakish sorta way. I love how predictable it all can be. There's an established rule for everything. I also really like rules....sometimes. It's the teacher in me, sometimes at odds with the hippie in me, balance is the key right? I love how there's only one answer for each problem in Algebra. There's one rule. Sometimes there's an exception to that rule, but once you've experienced and memorized this exception, you're okay...things are back to being predictable. Life lessons on the other hand, are the contrary; unpredictable, full of way more than one exception to the "rule," and even once you've learned the exception, there are many more to come, more to experience and figure out. More that are unknown, unsafe and can even be devastating. You can't predict when or how you will get hurt, who will hurt you, or on an even more terrifying note, who will love you. It's all...