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Grey turned black and white...but mostly black

So as I briefly mentioned in my "Tangent Tuesday" stint, some gray area in my life just turned well, a lot less grey. This is all in reference to P4. Here's a little taste of how p4 treats B.S.S (Blonde Story, for the slow learners-I always have you in mind as a Special Needs teacher!) Anyway, for productivity's sake, I'll give some examples in list form-my unspoken thoughts in parentheses as usual:

Some of my text-tastic treats:
"Ur such a sweetheart, I like you" (Ok fine)
"That's one of the reasons I like're funny and clever" (Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all night, don't forget to tip your waitress!)
"I love your eyes. Seriously I get lost in them, you don't even know the power you have." (I could really take advantage of that! But I'll try not to)
This is the kinda stuff that I've been hearin' from P4. This paired with consistency, thoughtfulness and wanting me to have dinner with his parents (which I gracefully denied) all sounds fantastic right? Well, yes it is all fantastic however; another name for this man could be Mr. Grey! In other words, I'm so in the middle! I can't figure out if I like him, or just like being liked. Don't hate me, I already hate myself for having said that. I feel like one of those retarded (so un-PC, especially in my field) girls in movies that you wanna kick and give a pony-pull. I've been waitin' it out and unsuccessful to find things that sway me one way or the other...from grey to white (meaning super into it) or black (meaning totally over it). By the way welcome to my color code for relationships!

Well, a deep (one of the first I shall point out) conversation last night kicked me right into the black category. This is actually ironic because this white girl was called a "black" racial slur yesterday by a student! I gave the kid our version of lunch-time detention , that little slip up will have a certain 7th grader picking up trash tomorrow while his friends enjoy lunch time bball. Lesson: Don't mess with Miss Sara,or call her the "N" word! Okay back on track (only Tuesdays allow for that kind of tangent!)
Mr Grey (now Mr Black) does not like (for lack of a better term) many things that for me...are just plain deal-breakers. Again, a list form...including only the 2 biggies:
1) Asking questions..."I like asking YOU questions, but don't really care about anyone else." My confused response, "...but people like answering questions." This kind of person is mind-boggling to me. How can you NOT want to know about people and their lives and passions and even just how their day was?! Hello? That's what this whole thing is all about!
2) He doesn't believe in GOD. Whoa. I don't even know what to say. That is absolutely, positively a deal-breaker. How sad for P4.
My two loves in life (shoes take 3rd place): God and people.
Seriously? I couldn't have gone from gray to black any quicker...just ask the kid who "slurred" me!
Gotta love dating.


Karen Carter said…
Back online and all caught up on your fun blog! Wishing you a sweet week and glad you are taking notice of all life's fun! you always do...xoxo Karen
Rowdy said…
if he is 'in the middle gray' and doesn't believe in the same God as you....
move on.

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