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Nice Rack

I am extremely sore and joyfully exhausted. This week has been fantastic...and it's only Wednesday. After a day of cardio hip hop, break dancing and learning incredible choreographed routines I went home to hit the shower. That's how you know I got worked. Normally after a hard workout, I'm all about hitting the errands sans an in-between shower. These days though, the dancin madness has got me resorting to cleanliness! I've been sweating like a man...more than an average man probably.

 After a shower and Advil I was ready to conquer my to-do list of errands. I started out picking up my bartending paycheck. I just love having two makes it seem like there's always someone paying me! My manager (the "mo-fo" abolitionist) had left a message for me earlier asking if I could work on Saturday morning. Let me just say that Saturday is my ONLY day off. In a given week I work forty hours teaching and two nights mixin' 'dem drinks (okay, pouring ice teas mostly but you get the point). Even if I were to decline a Saturday shift simply for my mental and physical health, I think that'd be acceptable. This week, I was already on an extra two nights. I said nothing, and took them as I was available and let's face it, have a spending problem which makes more cash flow hard to turn down. So, that puts me at four nights this week, in addition to my "day" job. Aside from an already reasonable excuse (not going nucking futs on a Saturday morning) I had a prior that involves a shower to attend for a wedding in which my sister is the bride and I am the Maid of Honor! My manager walked away P.O.-ed (awesome acronym I haven't used in at least a decade) and mumbled, "OK, well don't say I don't offer you hours."Ah well, paycheck picked up, deposited, on with my life...

My next stop was Costco, always slightly overwhelming and inspiring at the same time. When I go to Costco I have certain things in mind. Generally they include feminine products (enough to last 3 months for the price of a 20-pack, ladies you know what I'm sayin'), 10-packs of Trident (I just simply can't resist it, it's an impulse buy in all honesty) and before I worked in a building with an Oasis of Arrowhead water available to me, cases of Kirkland H2O made the list as well. The warehouse full of well-priced goods makes me a little stressed, then I think about how one day I too will be one of those women, shopping at Costco, who can spend $15 on enormous boxes of protein bars and fruit trays that last a life time...or until they perish. Costco isn't like Target, screaming babies must be stopped at the giant doorway or something. Mothers are happy, children are happy and everyone is considerate and enjoying the frozen ravioli and spinach dip samples passed out by women in hairnets. How can you leave without being inspired to live life?!

Here's where things go haywire. The next discount store on the agenda is Ross. This is where I'll find a sexy pair of panties to finish off the bride's shower gift. There will be enough oohing and awwing over sets of bathroom towels, this MOH's gift will get those shower ladies smiling...not to mention I can cross "Sis' red chonies" off my to-do list. Ross is always an adventure. Unlike Costco, it is uninspiring. Let's call it a "cultural experience" for lack of a better term. After about 10 minutes of blue tooth lady speaking Vietnamese (in a very high pitched voice) and Mexican child screaming "Mira!" I was ready to hit the roped line and get outta there. As a stood behind not so Costco-considerate folk, I was anxious. sweating. itchy. Two dresses caught my attention. Hey, we all should know how to self-sooth I guess. Each was under $9.99 and ya know what crossed my mind?...I deserve those. Without trying them on, I confidently took them up to the register (with the red panties) and purchased them like no one's biz. BTW, tried them on at I know how to pick 'em or what?! Perfect.

The plan of attack was to hit up Borders next to find Grandma another Word Search book. I sent her one for Valentines' Day and she has been raving about it ever since. She just loves those word searches, not to be confused with cross word puzzles! Borders has 500 page word search books whereas Target, where she normally frequents for these treats, only carries 100 page books (lame). I got side-tracked...and ended up at a little piece of heaven called...Nordstrom Rack. I like to refer to it as Nice Rack. I also have a friend named Nichole who is called Nice-hole...I'm a little off. Anyway, if you don't know about this haven of glory, in a word, it is...spectacular. I found a close parking spot, although I did not pray for it! As I walked up to the sliding automatic doors I had to remind myself, "Lingerie for Sister, nothing for YOU! Lingerie for Sister, nothing for YOU!" I did it quietly so that my craziness wasn't too apparent. I found the perfect "outfit" for the Lingerie party which will occur at her Bachelorette weekend getaway I am throwing. In case you're wondering,...Yes, I am an experienced Bridesmaid. This will be my 5th time and by October I will have 6 under my belt (or spanks rather). Instead of the saying "Always a bridesmaid, never a bride" I prefer, "Always a hot bridesmaid, soon to be a bride in the future ;)" Mission accomplished. Another check off the list.

Borders is now closed and the most amazing TV show ever is starting in 20 minutes. I speak of LOST. I really am obsessed. If I get to know a man and he does NOT watch it, he better work pretty hard to impress me, or catch up on the DVD's real fast! Wednesday night a productive one. Now I'll lay in bed, bask in my soreness and dream of hip hop moves that I'll practice tomorrow...and maybe of Costco too!


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