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Showing posts from 2008

The "Snuggie"

Apparently I'm not the only one who has seen the infomercial for the "Snuggie." I assumed since I have a late-night-TV guilty pleasure, I would stand alone in making fun of this absolutely ridiculous product! After dinner tonight I now know that others are aware of this $20 blanket with sleeves. One of the many savvy gals I surround myself with (gotta love my girlfriends) made quite the conclusion. "It's just a backwards robe!" After the two of us listening pictured the product and made the connection, the convo continued with interrupting waves of laughter. "A backwards robe without the belt" I added. "They look like monks!" "The guy selling this thing must be thinkin 'What a bunch of idiots! They're buying my backwards robe!'" If you're interested in this unique invention call within 7 minutes and get a bonus book light with it (that you can also find at Big Lots for $1.50) What a deal!

Tangent Tuesday

My mind has been racing (like a pronoun!) all day. Not in an anxious way, in a caffeine high sorta way...except that I don't drink caffeine. It could be my new diet that is giving me lots 'o energy! Silver lining as always ;) Anyhoo, lots of random tangents and possibly fun facts for you today...coming from Sara land. 1. I am broke as a joke right now. Since I haven't started subbing (my latest life plan) I am living on the Serving/Bartending earnings, which isn't much. The economy really is affecting the restaurant biz, people just don't want to spend a lot of money eating out, therefore people like me don't make as much as we used to in tips. So, for Christmas my adorable mom, grandma, uncle and cousin all got me gift cards to places like Vons, Trader Joe's and Target...oh and Starbucks too! It must be a motherly instinct or something because the most frequently asked question from mom and grandma after "Do you have gas in your car?" is ...

Straight from Germany

Getting nostalgic I pulled out my journal from traveling through Europe last summer. So this is straight out of it...poor grammar and all ;) I have to admit I can barely read my own writing! Friday July 18, 2008 We had another great, free hotel bfast, no champagne today :) Checked out. My hypothesis was correct, the clothes hung all around the room are definitely still wet. In the suitcase they go, what are ya gonna do! We checked out and realized "Borkum" our next destination is on another island! We would. Basically we'd have to go back through Hamburg to the other side. Right now we're in Utersum on the island of Fohr. Instead, we cancel our Borkum hostel and with the help of our very sweet German hotel owner, get a cab to the nearest hostel on OUR island. That hostel = full. The lady tells us about "Haus Atlantis" a house behind the hostel building that rents out rooms. We get our ish over there and some how communicate that we ...

The last thing I want to do right now...

is go to TARGET! It also happens to be the one thing I need to get done before work. Since I can't live another day without contact solution and paper towels, the Target dog is calling my name! It's freezing balls in my house, like beyond stardard cold house temperature. It is an ungodly temp here on Talbot street. With hard-wood floors, lack of central heating and poor insulation (for example, the windows that don't fully shut) I'm one cold gal! I want to take a hot shower, drink hot tea and snuggle in my cozy bed that currently has two down comforters on it (actually synthetic down comforters since I'm high maintenence and allergic to feather!). But instead, onward to the total circus going on at the most popular and frequented store of the holidays! I'm just hoping the babies, that are notoriously there in that little seat part of the cart that most of us put our purse in, AREN'T crying today as their mothers return gifts and make use of gift...

You know you're PMSing when...

Costco won't let you pick up your photos (that will complete Dad's Christmas present) and you take the following actions: 1. You start out by frantically looking through the "M" file at the photo counter and making your frustration with your envelope's missing status known by exhaling loudly. 2. You get remarkably annoyed with the Costco employee who can't spell Morgan, possibly the least unique last name of all time. 3. You attempt taking control of the situation by going to the "Costco Photo Center confirmation email" via your handy Samsung and act completely impatient as you wait to "connect." 4. When the "Photo Expert" finally finds your photos and innocently admits to having spelled Morgan wrong (after already correcting him, see #1 above) you wait 'til he looks away and roll your eyes in total aggravation. 5. After being told your card is expired and he cannot sell you your already printed photos, you act lik...

Out of all the convos...

During the holidays I consider myself a nomad...lots of movin around, lots of cities, lots of family members I haven't seen in forever. I have to say that out of all the convos, the various inquiries experienced in the past week, my conversation with Aunt Pat had to be my favorite Holiday catch up sesh. Over dinner: "Now did you get implants or are those yours?" Me stumbling: "Um, they're mine." I think I still might feel a little awkward. Oh Patty you never cease to amaze me.

A few 1 minute after midnight thoughts...

So I just finished my LAST credential assignment EVER! Amazing feeling. I have been working at my credential to teach for the past 2 years...okay 2 years and 4 months! It's supposed to be a year program! I like to pretend to be an over achiever (cuz really I'm NOT one) and do things like taking on a full-time teaching job in the middle of an intense program, oh and a serving job too, ya know for saving money to travel Europe purposes! all that's left are 2 tests to take and probably giving PLNU some more money and then... I can teach in Public Schools! Woo HOO! That means a salary I can actually live on, bennies, and maybe even a 401K! I don't know exactly what a "401K" does for an individual, but I know it's supposed to be pretty good! I packed for my 5 day trip up to OC/LA for some fam-holiday time. Sis' bday tomorrow, Dad's on Monday and the Christmas goodness later this week. We'll be spending Christmas eve with Sister's fian...

I love asking for help

Not. I just came up with a pretty good picture of how I feel when asking my parents for help, financially speaking... "ASKING FOR HELP FROM MY PARENTS IS LIKE STABBING A DAGGER THROUGH MY CHEST!" I yelled across the house to my roommate after a fun can-I-have-some-money convo with Papa. Then in a less dramatic fashion, "It makes me want to eat some of that left-over chocolate trifle in our fridge! ...and then take a nap!" I will refrain from doing any of the previously mentioned actions and instead will hope that the bills I'm about to pay don't cause overdraft fees. Love you Bank of America!

Congratuations to my big SISTER!

My sis is engaged! Her and her boo went on a trip up the coast and he popped the question!!! Ok I have to share this...I am sort of in a rush today, running errands etc and typing rather quickly, I just accidentily wrote "pooped the question"! LOL (I'm easily amused) Good thing I fixed that typo. I would have had some confused readers! Anyway, Casey and Chase (who I lovingly refer to as "Chasey") are now ENGAGED! woo hoo!!! Sister, I am so excited for you! Chase is amazing and he obviously knows how amazing you are! Love it and love you both...also, please make me an aunt soon :) On a selfish note, I'm stoked to be the MOH (Made of Honor) and in charge of picking out the bridesmaid dresses! Guess what other bridesmaids, if it's flattering on're all gonna have to wear it!!! Muah ha ha ha. Love is in the air.

Things I love about Christmas...that I've experienced in the last 24 hours

1. Red sparkly nail polish being appropriate 2. Rain 3. Having a Christmas Party 4. Cooking for that party 5. Wearing Snow man pajamas 6. Writing Christmas Cards 7. Wrapping presents 8. Having my front door wrapped up like a gift 9. Winter Blend tea 10. Ridiculous slippers 11. Receiving Christmas cards from peeps I haven't seen in daaaaaaaaaays! 12. Heading to work, knowing it'll be slow and hence bringing the Xmas cards to address 13. The music and movies! DUH.


Why do people wear Santa hats around Christmas? Ya know the red felt hats with the white trim and ball. I don't understand wearing them even ON Christmas, and especially not on any other day in December. I am always left wondering...huh? And more importantly...why? It's not like people go around with bunny ears on for Easter, or throughout the entire month of April!

Possibly a perfect day

Today has the potential to be possibly a perfect day. Started out the morning by waking up on my own instead of to the deafening sound of my alarm clock...which is strategically placed on the furthest part of my night stand making it necessary for me to get out of bed to turn it off. On a usual day when I have to be woken by the beast of beeping I am immediately a little irritated, more so than the normal irritated state I'm in when being forced to leave my slumber! I lied in my cozy bed for a while, thinking, in and out of REM and then got up before 9:00am, quite impressive on my day off I thought. I hit the gym to make it to the 9:30 Turbo Kick Boxing class. Oh my release! I love pretending to kick and knee and punch someone (kinda creepy, we all have our quirks). Then did some legit arm exercises and finished up by getting in my zen, stretching in the quiet dark room downstairs. Of course there was the standard trainer stretching her client and making small talk, but I was a...

I need a yob

A few "posts" ago I said I got a job...and to stay tuned. Good thing I didn't waste any more minutes of my life writing about that job because I didn't end up taking it! I swear if I change my mind one more time...I don't know what, but something crazy! It turned out that after some negotiation, homie (the employer) did NOT want to properly compensate me for the work that I was going to be responsible for. No thanks. I suppose I'll just wait for something better. Today Miss Green called me and told me her manager at Nordstrom needed someone for the holidays. GREAT! So I'll be a little batty selling crazy Christmas shoppers clothing, but I'll make some money! Woo hoo. I'm meeting with Nordi's tomorrow, based on what past experiences have shown I'm probably speaking too soon, but it sounds promising. Also in the works- a connection at a local high school. So we'll see what happens...current possibilities in my mind: 1. Work at ...

Oh the places you'll go! the Las Vegas airport. Current location and status: middle class and single. I'm kidding. Gate B10, delayed, estimated time of flight 1:50pm. Originally the time was 9:40am...then 10:55, 12:30, 1:30, and now 1:50. After the first "update" I knew I had at least an hour and a half to kill before boarding. With a carry-on full of knitting goods, a journal and "Twilight" my current leisure read, I was well prepared for this sort of thing. Instead of sitting at the gate I thought I'd have a change of scenary and enjoy a nice beverage of some sort. I left B10 and explored...then there was the dillema- On my right, Starbucks. MMMMMmmmm who doesn't love the peppermint mochas out in the month of December?! On my left, Fox Sports Bar. Who couldn't use a little mimosa pick-me-up in a delayed flight, stressful airport/holiday situation?! 3 secs of deliberation later and mimosa it is. Unfortunately the bartender didn't have I...

You know what's fun...?

Making decisions. Actually it's not fun at all. I've been in the process (and when I say process I mean long, DELAYED progression) of making a lot of those lately. The ones that I struggle with the most include dis-pleasing people. Normally I like to please people. However, you come to a point where you realize that it's no longer working for you, okay it's no longer working for ME. When it does work and it is pleasing to others as well as yourself, fantastic. But when it doesn't, another decision needs to be made...what can I do to make this work for me (and hopefully everyone...see my pleasing tendencies) I have made arrangements to see absolutely everyone this Thanksgiving, and I mean EVERYONE! Friends, family including mom's side and dad's side (joys of non-nuclear-ness), and even the nice folks at Southwest Airlines will be graced with my presence during this time of giving thanks. Thus far I'm driving to the OC Wednesday, getting someone'...

Grab the bull by the horns

Sometimes you just have to grab the bull by the horns. I'm not sure why that saying means what it means but if you don't know what it means, think "Bite the bullet", "Grab life by the balls..." (okay that one's a little vulgar, not sure who came up with it, but you get the picture) So I'm an extremely (almost to a fault) neat person. Not neat as in "wow that's neato!" But neat as in my bed is always made, my blow dryer is put away daily (OK weekly, I don't wash my hair that often) and my laundry is either washed, folded and in its proper drawer or in a laundry basket strategically placed in a spot you can't see. After a busy weekend, I told my roommate that my room had just gotten "disastrous." I think that I tell people things like this every once in a while to prevent them from thinking I'm crazy. "Oh yea, my room is soooo messy...I'm like totally normal and don't have things clean all the time....


I want to love people (somehow)in all circumstances. I've been thinking lately that's the whole reason we're here. God gave us a place to figure out how to do that, to figure out where the balance is in all scenarios concerning relationships... Where's the balance between loving people and setting boundaries for yourself? Being tactful and being truthful? Thinking of your needs and being selfish? Behavior that's healthy and unhealthy? Friendly and overbearing? Extrovert and introvert? Needing people and using people? Making things happen and waiting for things to happen? Flirting and well, too much flirting? Admiration and Jealousy? Being strategic (strategerie if you will, if a President says it, it must be a word) and conniving? Childlike innocence and adulthood? I don't want to focus on these things and being "balanced" so much so that I'm inhibited all the time, but I do think being aware is essential...purposeful even! Something to chew ...

The grass is always greener

Apparently I am the poster child for this saying..."The grass is always greener" (...on the other side, for those of you that aren't up to date on things your grandparents say) Today, in a feeling of I NEED A CHANGE IN MY LIFE I went and chopped off my hair. That sounds like I did it myself...No need for concern, I didn't go Brittany style or anything, I had it done by a professional; Daniel who is the MAN when it comes to hair. Seriously, that's what it even says on his business card. Daniel Ngo The Man... when it comes to Hair Okay not really. I am quite a fan of his though. I cut my pelo after graduation a few years back, kept in short for a while (mostly because a friend said it made me look skinnier, always a deal-breaker) and then recently grew the 'do back out. It turns out when it's short, I want it long and apparently when it's finally long...I want it short. So, short it is. I was very carfey to not go "Mom short," i...

It's a love/hate relationship

Seriously I have a love/hate relationship going on...with many people. Some of those include LC, "Speidi", Audrina, Whitney, Lo and Justin Bobby. Why do I still watch THE HILLS?! I love/hate that show so much! I watch it religiously, TIVO it even, and find that every week I wanna throw my glass of wine against the Toshiba! (This could really be a problem for the 'Tosh and my white shag rug...also wasteful) I don't know what it is. I fear if I miss an episode I won't know what's going on, like what Spencer did this week that will make my skin crawl. How poorly did Justin Bobby treat Audrina...and was he wearing combat boots at the time? How many people did LC help...Holly, Stephanie, a struggling FIDM student? So many plots! Really the entire show is about a bunch of tools treating these young 20-something girls like trash and the dumb girls thinking it's sweet. How annoying is that? Very annoying apparently. I can't help it though! I...

Watch out for Predators

My mom is really sweet. She is also quite possibly the most worried person I've ever met. She is always, always worried...mostly about me. I'm her only kid so I guess it makes sense, and not to mention I'm super lovable ;) Tonight I called her on my way home from dinner with some friends. After a few minutes she asked me if I was home yet. I told her I had parked in front of my house but was walkin across the street to a local coffee shop to grab a decaf mocha...perfect end to the week. My plan was to sip that baby and watch Sex and the City, oh my Friday night! Mom got worried, clearly crossing the street is difficult, even at age 24. "Call me when you get inside, I wanna talk more." I replied, "I don't believe you, you just want to know I got inside and wasn't killed getting coffee!" Then somewhere along the conversation I found myself saying "OK, OK, I'll watch out for predators." Who says that?! I'll watch out for predator...

Updates...and an exposed alter ego

Every website I venture to, like myspace, facebook, and even blogspot, I see UPDATES everywhere. Apparently "updates" are all the rage. Well, here's my update ;) I've been applying for jobs like no body's biness! Here have been the results: People clearly refuse to call back, ignore their email (or me, let's go with the first for my pride's sake) or they're not hiring right now. Apparently even Nordstorm isn't hiring right now. Nordstrom, you're always hiring! I know this because 90% of my girlfriends have worked there, most of them more than once! Anyway, I have to just keep holding onto the whole "That must not be what God wants for you" and "God has a plan" thing that Christians always say. Yea...okay. I guess that's probably true. So this week in the midst of mad influenza I got the "You're great but we don't need you...but we'll keep you on file" letter from Nordstrom, where I'd last...

I haven't brushed my teeth yet

...and it's 3:48 pm on a Wednesday afternoon. Welcome to my days off. Ok I also sometimes do this on my days "on". Don't judge me, I work nights. I am still in pajamas, sort of. I decided walking around in underwear (normal pj attire)would be kinda weird being that I live on a busy street across from a UHaul/mechanic shop, kitty corner to a coffee house, and directly next to some goth neighbors who btw LOVE Halloween! This week is like Christmas for them. Their modow: PUMPKINS AND SKELETONS YEAR 'ROUND! This would all be fine except that I have almost an entire wall of windows in my living room...and in my kitchen. All that being said, I put some pants on to go with my rockin, pale green (it used to be regular green) tank I always wear to bed. It has a built in bra, key to a decent night's sleep. Former and current roommates, you know which one I refer to. Don't be jealous. The days I'm about to describe to you sound like those of a "...

Therapy Thursday...becoming less crazy by the week!

"I'm just wondering what was going through your mind when you were doing that" -Word. (contemplative) "I'm thinking this might have to do with that extreme black and white thing we've talked about" -Yes. (very matter of fact, intelligent head nod as well) "It sounds like your issues are centered around men overall" -Good assessment. (Insert sarcasm here) "That would be breaking rule #3 now wouldn't it?" would.(Ahhh man! Come on!) "Does it have to be one or the other?" -Remember the extreme thing? Yes, yes it does. (This is why I'm paying you!) "I'm wondering where you got this...all the thinking and insightfullness" -I know RIGHT! (Relief. Finally someone gets me) Therapy Thursday...brought to you by a saner Sara

Man that's a lot of Asians!

My roommate Court, who I just decided reminds me of the character Lilo from Lilo and Stich (look it up, you'll totally agree) happens to be 1/2 Asian and 1/2 white...a wasian if you will. This is a picture from her hiking adventures this weekend with a whole lot of asians. I saw the picture and immediately commented, "Man, that's a lot of Asians." Note my tact. I wondered, was it a strictly Asian activity? Asian Hikers Unite? She, while laughing with me, pointed out that if there were a whole bunch of white people in this picture I probably wouldn't say "Dang Court, you were with a lot of white people!" "Why are there so many white people!?" Think about it. We laughed. I had to share.

Please don't use personification when discussing my cervix!

My Disclaimer: Don't read this unless you are a female. So I had to have a yearly exam (as all females should, shame on you if you don't!) and as most of you know that includes being felt up and a little bit invaded by your doctor. What the procedure really entails I'm sure you've figured out for yourself I won't go there. A minor detail in this story is that I had to go to good 'ol "PP" (Planned Parenthood, we don't say the full name, it's embarrasing) because I currently don't have health insurance. Don't judge me. AnyHOO, no pun intended, the crowd was quite interesting in the waiting room...especially because this particular "PP" is located in "PB", a beachy area in San Diego which inhabits many peculiar folk... A bestie came along for the entertainment of it all. As we observed the waiting room community we laughed about some good stuff: 1) the girl wearing "Apple Bottom Jeans" (r...

Perhaps epiphany-riffic for ya

This is for all the Christian gals - a new (new to me at least) perspective that might be epiphany-riffic for ya. Over a satisfying Pinot and pumpkin scented candle, I had a pretty deep convo with my very wise and refreshing new roomie. Without downplaying the intelligence and open-mindedness of some Christian females, I'd like to propose a partly blanket statement. Here we go... For some reason, some Christian females have this idea that the boyfriend, husband, marriage aspect of our lives is more important to God than every other aspect, including but not limited to job, friends, family, finances, home, dog, city you chose to live in etc. Maybe its more important to you - fine, to each her own. But it seems there's this idea that no other piece of life matters as much to God as "giving you" the "gift" of a man. I am not implying that this part of life isn't important to God, I think it is... *This is where some of you peace out and assume ...

Sometimes it's just a yoga mat.

So we've all heard cliches like "Spring has sprung" and "Love is in the air..." Well this past Spring both of these were particularly true! As I was packin it through Europe, THREE of the many amazing women in my life fell in love and basically met...(another cliche is about to come at you) the man of their dreams. I know, some of you are about to go throw up your last meal right now but if I can be totally stoked about this (as a former cynic) you can too :) This particular story (which clearly has something to do with a yoga mat) is about one of these girls. Her and I have spent some years comparing past bf's, sharing stories of ridiculous encounters and sometimes when feeling optimistic, hopes of someday meeting a real man that would actually be legitimate. This friend is unique, smart and beautiful. Because she loves the color green, we'll call her "Miss Green." This is mostly so that you don't have to read the words "my fri...

Unstable Cliffs

Why is it that there are seasons where it seems like everyone is going through a bunch of crap, all at once! Everything from career change and boyfriend blues to making life changing decisions and tissue know who you are. It seems like everyone in my life is dealing with something gnarly...including myself, I'm in my life too. I think it's a season for some change and definitely some growth for most of us. I know personally I've experienced more ish, mostly upstairs (I told you earlier you didn't want to be there!) in the last 4 months than in my entire life...possibly excluding a stage in '06 where I became single and confused rather abruptly (but that's a story that requires a lot of time and coffee,or something a little stronger) It seems easy enough to change habits, but how HARD is it to change thinking habits? That was retorical btw. In the life of Sada (that would be me) I'm in the process of retraining myself to think in healthie...

Fall Fashion Frenzy!

So I got my hair done today and since I forget to bring my current book along with me EVERY time, I sat under one of those heater things and read fashion magazines. What ran through my head (aside from the fact that those models must be really hungry!!!) is how stoked I am for FALL FASHION! Something about sweaters and cute slacks get me freakin pumped, enough that I kinda want a real job by then so that I can partake in this glory! Who knows, maybe I'll miraculously be teaching by then...and wearing really cute fall gear obvi. Lookin' forward to boots, tights (although I live in San Diego and will probably still be sweating...alot), cute cardi's and scarves! Here's hopin' I have a real job and money to purchase cute fall clothing by the time mid October hits. SD probably won't be even remotely chilly 'til December...more time to earn some skrill for sweater shopping I suppose. Come typical toasty season or not, once it's officially "Fal...

To teach or not to teach...that (currently) is the question

So I talked to a "teacher friend" this weekend at a Bachelorette party and I explained my goal to have the life of a stay at home mom, without kids....ya know? No job, but also no kids. Too much to ask? Probably. Anyway, she explained a teaching position that one of her teaching friends has at a school nearby and how it is DA BOMB! Part-time,full benies and normal, young teachers, gotta love that! WTF do I want to do with my life? Not feelin the independent consultant thing all the time...especially not lately. Waitressing makes me wanna punch babies (I hate it that much) and my restaurant is closing down next month to remodel for a year. Gotta figure out something fast! Do I want a routine or a random (waitress-like) schedule? Maybe I just like working nights now because it's still summer. Once fall hits, and it's comin soon, my days off won't be quite as exciting I don't think! Life plan = TBA!!!

...a cardio experience like no other

I said I was an "avid journaler." Even more, I am an avid DANCER...and I don't mean the really good kind...I mean the really insane kind. It all started with 5th grade jazz routine to Gloria Estephan's Turn the Beat Around . The pics below are from celebrating my 24th birthday with friends, one night downtown and the next in OB at my favorite beachy bar spot. Neither one of these places are known for their dancing but I was not afraid to bring it and YOU shouldn't be either. A bouncer walking past me whispering with a sarcastic tone, "Excuse me JLO" didn't discourage me from gettin my grove on ;) Give me some tunes and a little alcohol (although the latter is not necessary...okay sometimes the former isn't either!) and I'll dance all night, and/or day I suppose. Good friends know what to expect, generally causing pictures like these to come into existence. Most of my besties join in on the idiocy themselves. With all that being said, I write...

"David's Cozy Little Backpacker Hostel of Berlin"

I finally freaked out today (in the confines of my own head). I'll rewind for a moment. I arrived Saturday night in Berlin, Germany at "David's Cozy Little Backpacker Hostel." aka the cheapest one I could find on I would be staying here the next three nights and it was by far the weirdest place I'd seen...ever. A host of norwegian 18 year old girls were quite the welcome wagon. They told us we had to go out with them and (in a seductive, creepy manner) that "...they'd never been out with American girls before." That, along with the staring and graze along my rear as one walked past me was my que to go to bed and take a raincheck! So here we are. Thus far, although I have experienced various unclean and disturbing circumstances on this trip, I have not yet allowed myself to be "high-maintenance." Well, today is the day where that all comes to an end. I had to wait for the one and only shower in the hostel. I w...

Bindiya from India

As we walked up the four flights of marble stairs to our hostel room, we hoped our two other roomies would be two things: female and awake. This would mean that we could get ready for bed in normal fashion; noisily, 1/2 naked and with talking of our day's adventure intermingled. Bindiya, roomie #1, was awake and ready to chat it up. What a sweet and hopeful soul. She is from Bombay, India and lives in London to work for an investment banking company. She is 26 years old, and "still not married." She wants so badly to come to the states and attend Harvard for her MBA. After high school she was told by her older brother that if she wanted to further study, he would allow her to do so. This is apparently Indian custom, the oldest brother is sorta in charge. Her high school teacher had to persuade her brother to allow this kind of craziness as most Indian girls are to be looking for a husband at that point. She studied further and is now preparing to apply to Harv...


I work mostly nights and when I park my car in front of my cozy little house I pay attention to nothing beyond what I am about to embark on...what I like to call a Zone-Out TV sesh. This is a time when I lie on my couch and stare at the television using the same amount of brain cells and energy as taking a relaxing nap. Then I go to bed. On this particular Saturday I had worked what's called a "Porta-bar" (aka Portable Bar) for eight hours at a Luau and was very tired (mostly tired of making "Coco Loco's") So I paid no attention to the sign outside my house that read "No parking after 2am Sunday." I had briefly noticed the sign earlier in the week and decided that I'd worry about it on Sunday. Duh. So of course returning home on this Saturday night required nothing beyond my normal parking efforts. WRONG. As most of you have figured out, that meant move your fricken car Saturday night, not Sunday! Sunday morning, on my way to meet my good ...

...and the nun sitting next to me

After running like hell to catch our train from Rome to Naples, somehow the train attendent knew I was not supposed to be sitting in First class (young american girls carrying dirty backpacks and sweating like beasts are clearly only classy enough to be in the 2nd class) So, I moved...and ended up sitting next to a nun. She ate a sandwich, used her cell phone and totally backwashed in her water bottle. I wish I could communicate with her but unfortunately no italian for me. I take joy in knowing that my mom would be so happy to hear that one of her very own catholics...not just any catholic, a super legit catholic...was within inches of her one and only daughter. I'm assuming this means extra blessings or safety or something. Suddently I become anxious that writing about this nun is perhaps a sin. Even worse, what if homegirl is reading my every word? She is sitting RIGHT next to me. No, impossible. She would've been offended by the backwash comment. The chick across from me i...

Hey, I could be a blog-tastic writer!

So I'm an avid journaler. There are times when my journal entries are prayers, times when they're a tool for venting and then times when I write short story-ish matter. One of my hopes (one of probably too many, some of you pessimists might argue) is to one day write a book. What you'll read, if your ADD isn't agressive like mine, will mostly share my crazy observations that one wouldn't dream up unless they were up in "Sara-land" (my head) which is a place I'm pretty sure you don't wanna me. Some describe people or things that have moved me and some consist of stupid crap that I find humorous. Most of it is uncensored. My motivation to share some of my craziness and become a "blogger" came to exist on my recent trip through Europe (backpacking to be be specific...and make myself sound rugged and cool to all of the male readers ;)) I had more time than usual to write, think and take in all that the foreign adventure had to of...